I have a sinus infection. Doctor started me on augmentin last Wed. I think the cure is worse than the infection! Took me almost 4 days to adjust to this antibiotic, and it wasn't pretty. That's all I have to say about that! So my stitching mojo flew the coop. This weekend was the HAED April SAL, I've been trying to stitch on Goblin Tree, but my concentration isn't what it should be to stitch on a HAED! I've got a few stitches in and plan on a few more tonight. I'll post a pic of her after. I have stitched on my LK Double Flip It, since I don't have to concentrate so hard on it. I got 2 more words done.
I'm enjoying working on this. It seems lately that I just want to do easy stitching. Things I don't have to pay so much attention to. I don't know if I can attribute that to my head cold or if it's just plain Spring Fever. I did order some stash (maybe trying to make myself fell better). I'll have a stash post when it gets here. All small charts, things that I should be able to finish quickly. Maybe that's what I need, a nice finish to lift my spirits.
Hope you're all doing well and stitching up a storm!