Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Lil Blue Fairy Cat Happy Dance!

WOO HOO!!!! I participated in the HAED Fourth weekend Themed SAL last weekend. This one was for SWIP/UFO's (SWIP = slow works in progress). Lil Blue counts, I started it Aug. of 2007!!! I managed to finish 2 pages!! Pages 1 & 3. Page 3 was only 720 stitches, but hey! it counts! It's a Quick Stitch so it is only 4 pages, 2 full pages and 2 small (720 stitch) pages. I also started onto page 2. I have 9,760 stitches out of 16,050 done, that's 60.8% complete!


Tama said...

Hey, congratulations!
It's a really cute pattern, too! Must feel nice to get so much done.
I can't wait until January - I have to much gift-stitching to for now, but then I'll be getting my CG charts back out.

Dani - tkdchick said...

That will be too cute!