Friday, June 5, 2009

Last Weekend's SAL

Last weekend was the HAED Retired Artists SAL. So Goblin Tree came out to play. Linda Ravenscroft is no longer 'retired' from HAED, but this chart is no longer being offered, so it counted for the SAL. I didn't get much done as you can see. On the left is a pic from last December (the last time I stitched on her) and on the right is the update. I didn't bother taking her off the scroll rods, a bit of laziness. But this weekend is the SWIP/UFO SAL, so GT counts again! I will continue stitching on her and see if I can get a bit more done this time around.


Mel said...

She is looking fantastic!

Tama said...

Progress is progress! She looks incredible, as always!!!