Here's the close up of my progress on Goblin. I'm working on finishing up page 13 and I've spilled over a bit into page 14.
This is the full picture of all my work so far. She doesn't fit into the scanner anymore, so I have to lie her out on a flat surface and take a picture with my camera, always hoping that the light will be right.
I still love working on her, just as much as the day I started. Even the background. There's always some little detail poping up, a tree branch, the turn of the streamer, etc.
This week's SAL on the HAED BB is the Freebie SAL. I've pulled out Fragile Heart. I hope to actually keep up with the SAL this time!
That's all for now. Keep warm!
Wow she is looking stunning !!
Goblin Tree looks awesome, you're getting so close to the end!
Wow,your progress on goblin tree is amazing. I love this chart. If only it wasn't retired.
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