Monday, October 19, 2009

Exercise Update

I went to class 8AM Saturday. TOTAL WEEKEND RIDE~45min spin & 25 min total body. I was a killer! Went 16 miles in that 45 minutes on the bike. I am keeping on plan. Except for Saturday night, I had a glass of wine, but only ONE glass, which I nursed for 3 hours! We get weighed tonight after class. They will also take our measurements again. It will be interesting to see any changes. I'll keep you posted on that.
Claire asked about motivation. The only advice I can give is:

Find the activity/exercise that you like (I mean REALLY like).
Find a place where you feel comfortable. (class size, location, etc.)
Make friends there.

During this 12 week Transitions Lifestyle weight loss class, the thing that is keeping me on track is that I know the other 12 ladies doing it with me (it's in conjuction with Studio Spin+). We have our weekly meetings there, every Monday after classes. We all ask each other how we're doing on the plan when we see each other at classes. We share tips (low GI sweeteners, recipes, etc.), we also share any challenges we may have had, and how we handled them, or didn't handle them! I'm very lucky, nobody judges. We're all "in it" together. We even email back and forth and just ask "how's it going?" These ladies are truly nice people. No back biting, jealousy, or any of that stuff. And that's important.

On the stitchy front, I stated Dragon Charmer, and I'm loving it! It's my very first Jo Wall piece. I always thought JW charts would be hard, but I am happily surprised that they really aren't any different than my other HAED's. The SAL runs till Thursday, so I won't post a pic till after. I have about 900 stitches in so far. I'm hoping that I can get some time this week to get a little more work done on it. Till then, Happy Stitching!

1 comment:

Kim said...

Congratulations on finding a program that works for you--that's a huge part of the battle. Good luck with your goals :)